Procedure for Ethical Approval of Research Proposal submitted to the National Rehabilitation University Hospital (NRH)
The National Rehabilitation University Hospital (NRH) endeavours to support all applicants who wish to undertake research in the NRH. To protect the patients, the researcher and the NRH, the hospital must ensure compliance with national legislation and guidance pertaining to research in a healthcare setting at all times.
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For details of NRH Research Ethics Committee Meetings and Submission Dates 2025 – Click Here
Procedure to be followed in order to obtain ethical approval to undertake research in the NRH is as follows:
Step 1
Read more NRH Staff wishing to undertake research must firstinform the relevant Head of Department and the Consultant in Charge of the area where proposed research will take place. If any members of the Research Team are from an external organisation such as a university, or other healthcare agency, they must first consult with the Consultant in Charge of the area where the proposed research will be undertaken, who must sponsor the research. An NRH Consultant must be the NRH Principal Investigator in the research study with the external researcher(s) listed as Co-investigator(s). If a non-consultant hospital doctor (NCHD) nurse, student, therapist or other member of staff wishes to undertake research with patients, a National Rehabilitation Hospital Consultant must sponsor them. The Consultant will be the NRH Principal Investigator, and all other staff and or students will be Co-investigator(s). Show less
Step 2
Read more Contact for further information and copies of relevant documentation that will need to be submitted. The following documentation will be provided to you from the Research Office: Show less
Step 3
Read more Following receipt of your application the Research Office will review all applications for completeness and to ensure that all NRH Operational aspects of the proposed research have been addressed. The Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Investigator(s) will be invited to attend the NRH Research Ethics Committee. The Principal Investigator must be available to attend the Ethics Committee meeting at which the research project is proposed. The Research Office will communicate dates and times for attendance directly with the PI and Co-investigator(s). At this meeting the researchers will be required to provide an outline of the research being undertaken and answer questions raised by the committee. Show less
Research can only proceed following the approval of the NRH Research Ethics Committee (REC). Compliance with any requirements and or recommendations outlined in the letter of approval must be undertaken in advance of undertaking the research.
If changes to the research study are recommended by the REC, a further letter confirming and outlining the changes must be sent to the Chairperson of the REC for consideration. The research must not commence until the Chairperson confirms that the changes made have been approved. This may require further consideration by the REC.
If you require further information, please email