Chaplaincy Service
- The Chaplain visits patients on the Units on a regular basis and provide counselling on request.
- The Chaplain will help you if you wish to contact representatives of other faiths.
- The office of the Chaplain is on the first floor opposite the Chapel in the Cedars Building.
Chapel Services
Information about times of Mass; distribution of Holy Communion to the Units; Anointing of the Sick and Confessions are available by contacting the Chaplain or asking a member of your team.
Family Support Groups
- Support and education groups for families and carers are arranged from time to time.
- They provide an opportunity to meet other families, friends and carers; to learn new information and share experiences, and to hear how others in a similar situation have coped. Ask your rehabilitation team for more details.
Patients Forum
A Patients’ forum, chaired by an independent person, meets regularly to discuss issues raised by patients. All patients are encouraged to attend. Meeting dates are displayed on the Patients’ Notice Boards. For more information please contact the Patient Experience and Healthcare Data Manager, telephone: 01 235 5211 or email:
Peer Support Groups
- Specific peer support groups are held regularly for patients from the Brain Injury Programme; Spinal Cord System of Care; Prosthetic, Orthotic & Limb Absence Rehabilitation (POLAR) Programme, and their families.
- Former patients offer support and share their experiences and information. Individual meetings with peers can be arranged.
- Topics discussed include coping with disability, personal assistance and care issues, returning to work/school, relationships, raising children and social activities.
Recreation Therapy Service
The Hospital’s Recreation Therapist organises events and entertainment in the evenings for patients. Check the Patients’ Notice Boards for information, dates and times of upcoming events or entertainment. Many of the events are arranged together with the NRH Volunteers.
Volunteer Services
The NRH Volunteers visit the patients and provide services and activities such as assisting in the Patients’ Dining Rooms, book reading, writing therapy, bridge lessons, musical evenings, and library service and playtime for children. Other volunteers visit with their pet dogs which many of our patients enjoy and look forward to.
Representatives from St. Vincent de Paul visit the Units on certain evenings. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of provincial newspapers please let them know.
Tel: (01) 235 5445 Volunteer Coordinator