

Launch of New Neurogenic Bowel Care Video and suite of patient-focused resources for people with SCI

March 10, 2025

Launch of Patient-focused Video for the Management of Neurogenic Bowel

and a suite of resources for people with SCI, their family and care providers

Venue: Online – link will be published nearer the date

The NRH is proud to launch a new video which is patient-focused and will help those affected by Spinal Cord Injury to manage their neurogenic bowel care.

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction after Spinal Cord Injury can be challenging to manage.  Effective neurogenic bowel care can improve the quality of life for people with SCI by reducing discomfort and preventing complications.  This video is intended for people with SCI, their families and care providers.

Paula Keane, Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) at the NRH and educator on Neurogenic Bowel Care nationally, was awarded the MASCIP Paul Kennedy Bursary to assist in the development of a patient focused neurogenic bowel care video.

Clinical expertise was provided by Dr Éimear Smith, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine (specialist in Spinal Cord Injury Medicine and Rehabilitation), Mater Misericordiae and National Rehabilitation University Hospitals, Dublin.

The NRH Foundation also part-funded the project, which is greatly appreciated.

For further information, please contact 

The launch will also include a suite of educational resources intended for individuals with SCI, their families and care providers, recently developed by the NRH Spinal Cord System of Care (SCSC) Team at the NRH.


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