Rehabilitative Training Unit (RTU)
Contact Information | Tel: 01 235 5364 |
How to find us | Rear of NRH Cedars Building |
Description of Service
Read more As part of the NRH Brain Injury Programme continuum of care, the ‘Next Stage Programme’ at the Rehabilitative Training Unit (RTU) provides group and individual rehabilitative training for adults with acquired brain injury. It is a national service and referrals are accepted from across the country. For individuals who do not live within commuting distance of the NRH, an eight bed accommodation facility is available onsite. The RTU delivers two integrated CARF* accredited programmes: the Vocational Programme and the Home and Community Programme. Allocation to a programme is determined by the trainees’ goals, as determined at referral and through the Individual Training Plan. Training is delivered through 25 training modules grouped in the following six areas: 1. Brain Injury Awareness and Management The success of the RTU rests in its client-centred, holistic approach to programme delivery, providing individualised training programmes, including programme duration, and a comprehensive discharge planning process. The programme encompasses both vocational and community reintegration programmes. It is important to recognise that an increase in independent living and reintegration back into community and family life is regarded as successful an outcome for some trainees, as a return to work or education is for others, and this success is measured by the achievement of individualised rehabilitation goals as identified by the trainee and their family. The RTU continues to support our trainees with a comprehensive training programme (Individual Training Programme) for as long as each trainee continues to benefit. RTU staff liaise with family, professionals and employers throughout the individual’s programme to educate and assist with the transition from the RTU to the discharge occupation and destination. * Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities – CARF The success of the RTU rests in its client-centred, holistic approach to programme delivery, providing individualised training programmes, including programme duration, and a comprehensive discharge planning process. The programme encompasses both vocational and community reintegration programmes. It is important to recognise that an increase in independent living and reintegration back into community and family life is regarded as successful an outcome for some trainees, as a return to work or education is for others, and this success is measured by the achievement of individualised rehabilitation goals as identified by the trainee and their family. The RTU continues to support our trainees with a comprehensive training programme (Individual Training Programme) for as long as each trainee continues to benefit. RTU staff liaise with family, professionals and employers throughout the individual’s programme to educate and assist with the transition from the RTU to the discharge occupation and destination. Show less
2. Personal and Social Development
3. Life Skills Management
4. Information Technology
5. Educational and Project Support
6. Vocational Assessment, Planning and Exploration
Patient Information
Read more As part of the NRH Brain Injury Programme continuum of care, the ‘Next Stage Programme’ at the Rehabilitative Training Unit (RTU) provides group and individual rehabilitative training for adults with acquired brain injury. The aim of the Next Stage training programme is to: The Next Stage Programme is delivered in training modules which are grouped in the following six areas: Training takes place in both individual and group formats, depending on each trainees’ needs and the type of module involved. Admission to the Programme is based on medical referral and on the person referred meeting the following criteria: The Corofin Lodge provides accommodation for trainees who attend the programme and who live too far away from the unit to commute on a daily basis. There is a nominal fee to use this service, which may be claimed back from either the HSE or Deparment of Social and Family Affairs, depending on circumstances. For more information, contact the RTU Centre Manager on 01 235 5393 Show less