


Contact Information Tel: 01 235 5272
How to find us NRH Cedars Building: Level 1
Description of Service

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The Chaplaincy Service plays a vital role in serving patients’ individual needs during their Rehabilitation Programme at the NRH. It is a support service which responds to the needs of patients and their families, offering pastoral, spiritual and religious support. The chaplain also has a role in the pastoral care and wellbeing of staff members.

Fr Michael Kennedy is the full-time Chaplain. Mrs Hilda Plant is the appointed chaplain from the Church of Ireland to the NRH. Ministers of other faiths can also be contacted as requested.

The liturgy team are a group of volunteers who work as Readers or Eucharistic Ministers, and in the organising and provision of liturgical music in the hospital chapel.

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Patient Information

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The Chaplaincy Service supports the view that holistic care is a vital part of the overall care offered at the hospital.

The Pastoral Team
The Chaplaincy team is assisted by a number of pastoral volunteers who work as Lectors, and Eucharistic Ministers during our Chapel services. Some also provide the music while others chat to the patients and offer wheelchair assistance to patients who may need it as they return to their rooms after Mass.

Other Faiths
The Chaplaincy Service at NRH continues the tradition of providing spiritual and pastoral care to patients, staff and visitors. They also arrange contact for patients with Chaplains from other faiths on request.

The Chaplains visit patients on their units on a regular basis.  Newly admitted patients are normally visited within forty eight hours after admission.

Church Services (currently suspended due to COVID-19 Restrictions)
Mass is normally celebrated from Monday to Friday at 6.00pm and on Sundays at 10.30am.

On the second Wednesday of the month the Sacrament of the Sick is administered during 6.00pm Mass.

Patients who are unable to come to the Chapel can tune in to services by CCTV transmission in most wards. Other services are arranged during the different seasons of the liturgical Church year.

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