About the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH)
The National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) provides Complex Specialist Rehabilitation services to patients who, as a result of an accident, illness or Injury, have acquired a physical or cognitive disability and require a specialist programme of rehabilitation.
Backed by over 60 years experience, clinical expertise and a solid reputation for excellence, the NRH provides patients with every opportunity to meet their rehabilitation goals through personalised treatment plans delivered by its Consultant-led Interdisciplinary Teams.
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Rehabilitation Programmes at the NRH are tailored to meet the individual needs of adult and paediatric patients in the following areas of specialty:
- Acquired Brain Injury (including, traumatic, non-traumatic brain injury and other neurological conditions)
- Stroke Specialty Programme
- Spinal Cord System of Care (including, traumatic, non-traumatic spinal cord injury)
- Prosthetic, Orthotic and Limb Absence Rehabilitation (POLAR)
- Paediatric Family-Centred Rehabilitation
The NRH is proud to have been awarded a maximum Three-Year Accreditation by CARF (Commission for Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). This accreditation extends to June 2026, when the hospital will be surveyed again by CARF.
The NRH is a fully publicly funded hospital and operates on the ethos of providing high quality care and treatment to patients irrespective of background or status, but on the basis of clinical need. It is a tertiary referral hospital, and the only hospital of its type in the country.
Referring a Patient to the NRH
Please select this link for full details of Referring a Patient to the NRH. This section includes the NRH Referral Form for download.
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Rehabilitation Programmes are tailored to meet the individual needs of patients.