
Family & Friends NB Course Booking Form

Fields marked * are mandatory.

NRH Course or Event Booking Form NBD (1)

  • Delegate Details

  • Complete following section only if attending in-person courses:
  • Special dietary, access, or other requests

  • Organisation

  • Payment Method

  • * Please Reference your Name, Organisation and Course Code on the PO or EFT
  • Bank: Bank of Ireland Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
    Account Name: NRH Hospital
    Account Number: 10159939
    Sort Code: 901116
    IBAN Number: IE79 BOFI 9011 1610 1599 39
    BIC Number: BOFIIE2D

    *Please reference your Name, Organisation and Course Code.

    We do not currently accept credit card payments

  • Tick here to indicate that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy Privacy Policy, where it states how we treat your personal data.

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